Jul 15, 2013

We have been a bit lazy in this Blog, but NOT IN OUR PLACE! Since 15th December 2012 there is a new little Gecko cafe.
Here you find our LITTLE GECKO, the brother of our Gecko Cafe, just around the corner, also on Othavadai Cross St, above the teashop.

The proud painter after painting our new logo, which was designed in Germany. 

And we did celebrate our big Geckos 5th Birthday in December 2012, already. 

Our place is ready for guests. Nanthini even painted the special welcome to the floor...

Fresh flowers welcome the customers every day. 

We also have visited Germany... Mani for the second time, Baskar for the first time. 
Impressive 2,5 weeks with many stories to tell, including the flooded city of Dresden. Here some pictures: 

Baskar on Top of the Frauenkirche (church of our lady) in Dresden, looking down to the flooded river Elbe.

Baskar in a village in the Ore-Mountains ( Erzgebirge) .

Mani and Baskar at a German Wedding. 

At the Elbe river banks in Dresden

in the Dresden Neustadt, a neighborhodd with many restaurants and cafes

Also we did receive the Certificate of Excellence 2013 in TRIPADVISOR