Jun 14, 2009

June 13th

Here at YouTube you can also find the MOVIE with Mani on the Gecko Cafe,
which was made by Daniel Dietz, a new friend of the Gecko Cafe. Enjoy watching.


Here at YouTube you watch Umas making his latest Art-work: his bronze relief.


Das Gecko hat ein neues Dach bekommen! Nun ist es etwas höher und der Innenraum wieder in aller Gemütlichkeit eingerichtet.The Gecko has got a new roof! Now it is higher and the inside of the place came back in its full beauty.

Replacing the palm-leaf-roof:

Jun 12, 2009

MAY 2009: MANIs Trip to Germany

From April 28th til June 6th Mani did visit his friends in Dresden, Germany.
He went to see Berlin, the Baltic Sea and also Prague, and mostly all the beautiful suroundings of Dresden.


Semperoper Dresden, concert Ute Lemper


At Königstein



At Malgorzata Chodakowskas Studio, Dresden
